Kai-yaah~ ...

7:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

IDK how to say this. The coming-of-age tradition is kinda unnerving. I dunno but I am quite scared or nervous for that.

sleepy (or winking?) Kai

agressive Kai (#IntenseGaze, on Twitter to see those amazing and sultry eyes *^*)

the world's best singer!!!

Coming-of-age day. You can get married, smoke, drink and all those 'adult' stuffs. Now you'll be able to do it freely. Without any hindrance. It really really bothers me to the point I feel like sulking.

seriously, this is my face whenever I get reminded of that event. Why do I keep having this gut feeling that something else or more like something big will change if that day I am dreading comes.

Why can't you stay like this? Innocent, cute, little boy. Well, all things change. Just don't overdo those things or idk maybe it's just me being my self again. Always protective of you. Well whatever you do I will always support you.

I am really really mesmerized by you. Your different emotions and facial expressions, I've love them for so long. I will never want to part from it. And as far as I know staying with you is what I will always want to do.

One thing I know that won't change is my love for you. Only you. Always you. Forever you.