TAEYANG -'눈,코,입(EYES, NOSE, LIPS)' (feat. TABLO) 0720 SBS Inkigayo

Kai-yaah~ ...

IDK how to say this. The coming-of-age tradition is kinda unnerving. I dunno but I am quite scared or nervous for that.

sleepy (or winking?) Kai

agressive Kai (#IntenseGaze, on Twitter to see those amazing and sultry eyes *^*)

the world's best singer!!!

Coming-of-age day. You can get married, smoke, drink and all those 'adult' stuffs. Now you'll be able to do it freely. Without any hindrance. It really really bothers me to the point I feel like sulking.

seriously, this is my face whenever I get reminded of that event. Why do I keep having this gut feeling that something else or more like something big will change if that day I am dreading comes.

Why can't you stay like this? Innocent, cute, little boy. Well, all things change. Just don't overdo those things or idk maybe it's just me being my self again. Always protective of you. Well whatever you do I will always support you.

I am really really mesmerized by you. Your different emotions and facial expressions, I've love them for so long. I will never want to part from it. And as far as I know staying with you is what I will always want to do.

One thing I know that won't change is my love for you. Only you. Always you. Forever you.

What's going on ...

YES! Now I can freely update this thingy LOL it’s been two weeks since I wanted to rant all these stupid stuffs on going in our university but naah.

Anyway, first off! Constitution! That XX LOL that subject was dragging the energy out of my life. As in I literally almost went on a hand-to-hand combat with our professor. I just stopped myself and calmed my mind for a while coz I know that I will be called to Guidance Office (or the Deans!) if I didn’t manage to maintain my composure >_< well congratulations to me coz I freaking survived it! Got a high final grade too! \m/ DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING? (*´∀`*)

Next stop, term paper (#゚Д゚) it also got into my nerves coz freaking group mates so amazing! (#゚Д゚) they divided the supposedly group work (one chapter … YES! ONE CHAPTER ONLY!!!) among themselves. Like wth men, I WAS LEFT TO DO CHAPTER 2 TO A LITTLE BIT OF 5 TO ME!!! So amazing, right!?!?!?! I have to force myself to give them a s              l               o               w            c              l               a              p (`Д´)
I slept that day [032414] midnight. HECK YEAH, MIDNIGHT! (д) in the morning I was amazed (once again!) with myself for being so amazingly patient LOL I didn’t even fight (answered in an annoying way) to my professor there. I was just smiling this sweet-as-sugar smile. Even though inside me every single emotion I felt is sour as vinegar! Well I still managed to survive it halfway HAHAHA and got amazing grades for myself since my last semester’s grade there was FAILURE!!! Not absolute failure but it’s not absolutely satisfactory enough for me.

Finally, the POWER POINT! Damn, power point being such a pain in the ass! We used to be so closed back then but what happened? I am superbly pissed off. I managed to finish it ahead of the deadline and I also helped my cousin but TA MA DE it doesn’t work with other freaking computer. Shit so annoying like it’s not COMPATIBLE! ( T.T) I asked the help of my classmate on the day before the freaking deadline coz that’s the day I learned it’s not compatible with others. MAN, TOO PISSED OFF! I am also in the verge of punching anyone, anytime, anywhere who will cross my way wrongly coz wth TOO PISSED OFF. I also ate late that time so YEAH. YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE.

BUT WONDERS OF ALL WONDERS. A MIRACLE HAPPENED!!! I managed to finish the stupid power point for our finals and I managed to burn a CD man! Wth too proud of myself \m/ hopefully the stupid CD alongside its contents worked well in our professors computer because if not then idek what I will potentially do ‘cause yeah I have awkward issues with self (bipolar mode!) -_-

And recently I was very, very happy with the events that are happening in my life. First off is Kim Jong In’s website update hahaha the words he used are all too familiar to me. It’s like those came from my own mind and most is my thoughts, secret words unspoken to him, but idk it made me feel closer to him more and it made me realize how much I have fallen for that guy. Lucky me~ ^_^v oh and he keeps on using “P.S” that got me thinking he is really talkative and quirky in his own cute ways :p Cutie~ and I haven’t mentioned yet that Airport Fashion of his during 140405 if I am not mistaken of the date, he wore sunglasses. YES. HE. WORE. FREAKING. SHADES. AS. AN. AIRPORT. FASHION. O--<--< oh man, I was dead the moment I saw those preview photos and its HQs >_< amazing and most proper way to kill me KJI ~_~

Now let’s go to the most recent events in my life ha! I am seriously annoyed with people trying to act all high-and-mighty on me but don’t even have the right guts to do it. Or it is not even applicable for them. Coz basically most of my peers thinking are behind me. IDK, like you’re still thinking it but me is like “been there, done that”. Well, yeah. And idk man, I mean talking to me about priorities in life. Particularly, figuring out my priorities in life. Honestly I have known my priorities and set off my mind into reaching and achieving them two years ago. Yes, been doing and planned it all along, TWO. FREAKING. YEARS. AGO. So don’t ya go preaching to me about setting and knowing your priorities man, coz you’ve been doing (or more like contemplating about it the past days) while I have done thinking about it years ago. People these days. Some are just ugh idk, whatever.

Well this is mostly the summary of my life the past few uhm, months OTL gaah, I haven’t updated for THAT long OMG I want to cry. I am so sorry. T^T

P.S (yes, following my role model, KJI hahaha)

I really want to buy a laptop and Samsung Note II for myself. I do hope I can manage to do it. So basically yeah, been doing (or more like planning/thinking) on what work I should take during summer break. Two months rest then back to school stuffs again UGH. UGH. UGH.


 this is the photo of KJI. (photos not mine!!!)

Jessi and Kai

I don't know how to start this actually but ...


Let's start with this one ...

if she isn't amazing and handsome there then what?!?!?


now with another one ...

but then when she's so handsoooome. She can be a cutie. And be very pretty!

And then be dorky!

And then be seeeexxyyyy~

Jessi got me like ...


I can't let myself think of you as someone who is adding pressure/stress on me.

it's Friday~ Friday~

good thing we don't have any classes during this day :D \m/
now I can actually finish all those school works for me. The thesis, report and take-home exams :3
I really have to finish it all because NEXT WEEK IS COMEBACK WEEK!!! I've already written on my schedule that me and my cousin are going to watch it fyeah!!! \m/

but can I really finish all today?!?!?!?


Almost END of Month

So it is almost the end of the month day. Been doing a lot of school stuffs T_T Cramming up because those works were told late (or deliberately told late) for us to have a difficult time. Well, I've been trying so hard to change my perspective about time management and ... CONGRATULATIONS TO ME! No more the cramming girl (well still here just hibernating! LOL~) and finally working it up all night, I managed to finish AHEAD OF TIME! Yes, it is still shocking me hahaha :)

But as I am typing this post, I am procrastinating and freezing to death (seriously, idek why I am easily getting cold nowadays! This is so not me! Look at what climate change did to my body! LOL) anyway, I am so LATE!